Saturday, February 28, 2015

Do the Work before you Visit a Dealer of Engagement Rings in Seattle

Many dealers of engagement rings in Seattle agree that the only surefire way to buy a girl the perfect diamond ring is to let her choose it herself. After all, she’ll be wearing it everyday so who better to select it than her? Not exactly true, says Carly Wickell in an article for about how to choose the perfect ring for the big day. Which metal does she want? It starts with the kind of metal she likes. Be observant– is she wearing rose gold, yellow gold, or white gold? Try to notice the style of jewelry she is fond of, whether it is simple, classic or bold. If you aren’t quite sure about what you see, consult any jewelry dealer you can find via her close friends and relatives or sites like

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Seattle Jewelry Stores: Useful Tips to Get Ahead of Your Competition

In Seattle, the competition in the jewelry industry is tight as the number of designers and business owners increases by the day. If you have a jewelry business or you’re just planning to start one, these useful tips will help your brand stand out from other jewelry stores in Seattle. 1. Your Signature Design If you’re a jewelry designer, it can be tempting to apply all your ideas to a single design to flaunt your skills to potential customers. As they say, however, simplicity is beauty. Instead of doing everything in a single design, focus on the technique you’re most skilled at and create a unique but evolving style that’ll define your brand.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Before I Do: Find the Perfect Engagement Ring in Austin Jewelry Stores

Diamond engagement rings have always been the ultimate symbol of love and commitment; the circular band that people wear on their fingers represents how true love should never end. Finding the perfect ring is one of the most romantic gestures a man can do for the woman of his dreams, which is why a lot of people find the whole idea of dealing with Austin jewelers nerve-wracking and challenging. Let the Light Shine Bright A diamond’s beauty is never based on its size, but on how lustrous its sparkle is. Diamonds can’t shine without light, and by looking at the diamond or gem in several different lighting conditions, you will be able to see which one has the most vibrant sparkle.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

4 Tips for Jewelry Stores in Denver when Dealing with Grooms-to-Be

Are you in the business of selling engagement or wedding rings? Make sure you know how to be in the good graces of your target market: grooms-to-be. These can be anyone from clueless guys to sophisticated and educated gentlemen who finally found the woman they want to settle down with and set themselves on a quest for that perfect symbol of their love. Cheesy as it may sound, it’s a mission they take seriously, and as a shop or a boutique, it’s your mission to help them.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Make your Dream Wedding Come to Life with Skilled Jewelers in Dallas

Prior to the wedding planning, a proposal and engagement must take place, and at this phase, it’s the men who get stressed, particularly in choosing the perfect ring for their brides-to-be. Generally, all kinds of jewelry come with high price tags, but there’s always something you could afford and prepare for; evaluating financial resources is the first order of things. Engagement rings come in different shapes and styles. Check out reputable Dallas jewelers to look for the ring that would perfectly fit your loved one. Make sure you get the right measurement for size accuracy. Consult other women, ideally her friends, to determine the design, stone, color, and make she prefers. Giving a ring that would put her in awe ought to secure that sweet ‘yes’ when you pop the question.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Search Chicago Jewelers Online to Find Trendy Bridal Jewelry for You

Planning on exchanging vows with your significant other any time this year? Aside from your wedding gown, you should also pay attention to your jewelry, which can enhance your overall appearance while you walk down the aisle. For Chicago brides who want to look fashionable and chic on their wedding day, expert Chicago jewelers can offer sets that aren’t just trendy, but are also a real head turner.Sites like Find A Jewelry Expert have a comprehensive list of jewelers nationwide and you can simply search for the perfect pieces to match your bridal attire.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

San Francisco Jewelry Stores: Ideas for a Geeky Proposal (and Rings)

Does your special someone share your passion for Harry Potter or of the Lord of the Rings series, or maybe she couldn’t help but drop in a few Doctor Who references in everyday conversations, which you never fail to get? Planning a proposal, and by extension choosing or customizing an engagement ring for your soon-to-be wife, can get more epic when you’re able to reflect your shared interests in the ring. Geeks are known to go all the way when it comes to planning memorable events in their lives, such as weddings and proposals, so why not make the night more memorable with an equally geeky engagement ring, which you can get from some custom jewelry stores in San Francisco? You might have heard of (or maybe stirred by) the Quidditch-inspired Golden Snitch engagement ring, which had a lot of people clamoring for a piece that the designer had to temporarily close shop in order to keep up with the demand.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Tips to Remember Before Shopping for Quality Engagement Rings in NYC

When a couple gets engaged, they are mostly hoping that their commitment to one another is strong enough to last a lifetime. This promise of betrothal is often highlighted through an engagement ring that is given to the woman, which she would wear until the wedding day, and even thereafter. In most cultures, it is the man who spends to buy the ring. Does being engaged often mean a ring? Yes, although as of late, more couples are exploring other symbols or ways of celebrating their engagement. Regardless, there is no question as to the significance of the occasion, and so choosing the right one is a top priority for those seeking to propose. Choosing one from thousands of engagement rings in NYC might seem too daunting, so here are a few tips to prepare you before getting into a jewelry store.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Vintage Engagement Rings from Boston Jewelry Stores for Quality, Class

There comes a time in a man’s life when he truly feels that he has found the perfect partner for him and would like to take the next step: to marry her. Before that, however, he must propose to her first and look for an engagement ring. While there are a lot of styles of engagement rings on the market, it would be cool if men could find a vintage engagement ring from jewelry stores in Boston or other places that offer the classic piece. Why vintage? There are many things a vintage ring offers that cannot be found in other styles. One of them is, and entertainment site POPSUGAR aptly states it, “the quality of the craftsmanship is much, much higher”. Note that the quality of the vintage ring metal is much denser because it was made by hand and is the reason why these rings have a long lifespan.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Accessories from Atlanta Jewelers: A Millennia’s Worth of History

There is a wealth of history behind the pieces you see when you visit various jewelry stores in Atlanta or when you browse jewelry listings in sites like Find a Jewelry Expert. For one, personal adornments are literally as old as human civilization itself; their most basic forms used alongside the earliest clothing and tools. This dates back to some 100,000 years ago, wherein humans had access to all kinds of material which were mostly hunting, foraging, and lumbering spoils. In fact, early humans have worn jewelry long before they could even speak or write. Experts have found remains of mollusk shells strung into beads in a cave in South Africa, dating back to the Middle Stone Age some 75-100,000 years ago. In contrast, humans learned to write around 3,000 B.C. Further down the timeline, humans gained access to metals. In the ancient world, gold was the preferred metal for jewelry because of its rarity, malleability, and resistance to tarnish. The earliest concepts of metallurgy

Diamond Engagement Rings in Houston: The History behind the Tradition

The ring-giving custom hit the dirt for several hundred years before being popularized again in the 12th century, when then-Pope Innocent III laid down new rulings about weddings. He declared that all weddings have to take place in a church, and that the bride must receive a ring. There was also a new waiting period between engagement and marriage, which then led to European aristocrats following suit, giving engagement rings to their fiancées as they counted down to their wedding day. The diamond engagement ring we know from local jewelry stores in Houston today, however, took some time before materializing. The first-known ring was commissioned by Archduke Maximilian of Austria back in 1477, as a gift for his betrothed, Mary of Burgundy. Very little is known about the ring itself, though the reasons why it was picked were pretty apparent. Back then, diamonds were thought to possess magical powers relative to love, purity, and fidelity—which are still attributed to the gems today.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Consult Skilled Austin Jewelers to Avoid these Ring-buying Mistakes

It's easy to make mistakes when you're shopping forengagement rings in Austin, TX. This is because men often make a lot of assumptions about ring shopping and so, for the most part, go into it blind. A lot of these mistakes can be avoided with the help of a skilled jeweler to advise them. Here are some of the common pitfalls men fall into when looking at a ring, and how an experienced jeweler can help steer them away from trouble with their bride-to-be.Being InconsiderateIf you think you can just pick out the grandest looking ring on display and call it a day, you're wrong. A woman has a life—and tastes and preferences that shape that life. The ring that you choose for her should fit in well with her lifestyle. If she's a chef, a big diamond set on a golden band may cause problems for her while she works.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Denver Engagement Rings: Things You Need to Know to Make Her Happy

Shopping forengagement rings in Denver may seem uncomplicated for some men; all it takes, they think, is to find a good-looking ring that falls within their budget, and buy it. That’s the lazy way to go about it. Engagement rings are special gifts, held precious for the symbols they carry, and treasured for as long as the affection survives, sometimes beyond life itself, and through generations. For something this significant, you’d want to put a little more thought in your selection. Here are a few things to consider to help you shop for the eternal gift.Forget TraditionOne of the traditional rules of thumb with engagement rings that get bandied about is that you're supposed to spend one to three month's salary on a ring. Well, forget about that. A lot of young women nowadays are practical enough not to want their man to spend that much money on them; your budget for the ring should be a personal decision. If you want something more affordable but memorable, go for it.